
Monday, October 16, 2023

Memorial of Saints (October 16)

St. Hedwig was married to Henry, Prince of Silesia (a region of central Europe which is in parts of present-day southern Germany, the Czech Republic, and southeastern Poland). After the death of her husband in 1238 A.D., Hedwig became a Cistercian nun in the monastery of Trebnitz. Noted among her spiritual gifts were her prophecies of the death of one of her sons in battle, and also her prophecy of her own death at the monastery. St. Hedwig is the patron saint of Silesia (died ca. 1243 A.D.).

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque was instrumental for the founding of the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. As a Visitation nun in the convent of Paray-le-Monial, she had a series of visions of Jesus as the Sacred Heart. Although many at first did not believe in the authenticity of her visions, her spiritual director, Bl. Claude La ColombiƩre supported and encouraged her. In 1765 A.D., Pope Clement XIII officially recognized and approved the devotion in Poland. It was in 1856 A.D. that the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was extended to the whole Church (died ca. 1690 A.D.).

St. Gerard Majella wanted to join the Capuchins but ended up as a servant in the household of the bishop of Lacedonga. After the bishop's death, he returned home and opened a tailor's shop. in 1748 A.D., he joined the Redemptorists as a lay brother. He became known for his extraordinary supernatural gifts - bilocation, prophecy, ecstasies, visions and infused knowledge. Because he was also widely known for his holiness and charity, many people wanted to visit him. St. Gerard spent the last months of his life raising funds for his community (died ca. 1755 A.D.).

St. Gall studied under Sts. Comgall and Columban and was ordained. Gall accompanied Columban to Gaul and worked with him at Annegray and Luxeuil (in present-day east-central France). Gall accompanied Columban in the latter's other journeys, but had to stay behind in 612 A.D. due to ill health. After his recovery, he became a hermit on the Steinach River and attracted numerous disciples. Eventually a monastery was built in the site of his hermitage and came to be known as St. Gall's Monastery (died ca. 635 A.D.).

Sts. Martinian and Companions and Maxima were slaves in Africa during the reign of Arian King Genseric. It was Maxima who converted Martinian and his brothers to Christianity. When the master who owned Martinian and Maxima wanted the two to get married, both fled to a monastery. The two were however brought back and then flogged by their master. After the master's death, his widow sold his slaves, and the new owner freed Maxima and sold the men to a Berber chief. Because of the Christian persecutions at the time, they were all tortured and dragged to their deaths by horses (died ca. 458 A.D.).

St. Mommolinus became a monk at Luxeuil. He was sent to St. Omer to be a missionary to the Morini in Artois (present-day west of the Franco-Belgian coal basin). Mommolinus later on became superior of a monastery at Sithiu and became bishop of Noyon in 660 A.D. At Noyon (north of Paris), Mommolinus built Saint-Quentin Monastery, with Bertram as abbot (died ca. 686 A.D.).

St. Bercharius also became a monk at Luxeuil and was ordained. He became the first abbot of the monastery at Hautvillers - founded by St. Nivard. Then he himself also founded a monastery named Montier-en-Der. He also built a convent for nuns named Puellemontier. St. Bercharius died of stab wounds after he was attacked by a monk he enforced his discipline (died ca. 696 A.D.).

St. Lull was educated at Malmesbury Monastery where he became deacon. Later on he was sent to the mission in Germany under St. Boniface. After St. Boniface's death, he succeeded to the see of Fulda. He became involved in a jurisdictional dispute with St. Sturmi, abbot of Fulda. The dispute was however resolved by King Pepin who declared the abbey of Fulda independent. St. Lull spent his last years in the monastery of Hersfeld (died ca. 786 A.D.).

St. Anastasius of Cluny became a monk at Mont St. Michel but soon left to live as a hermit on the island of Tombelaine off the coast of Normandy (former name of a region in present-day northwest France). In 1066 A.D., St. Hugh convinced him to join the monastery at Cluny. He lived at Cluny for seven years and then went on a mission to Spain. In 1080 A.D., he returned to Cluny and lived at the monastery for seven years more before he resumed his solitary life near Toulouse (died ca. 1085 A.D.).

St. Bertrand of Comminges was the son of a high military officer. He did not follow in his father's footsteps, but decided to become a canon at Toulouse. In 1075 A.D., he became bishop of Comminges, France and administered his see for the next 48 years. He did many things in his see: he reformed the diocese, put the canons under the rule of St. Augustine, and became known to have performed several miracles (died ca. 1123 A.D.).

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