
Saturday, October 21, 2023

A Gift of Enduring Love by Joseph Durepos

On Pope John Paul II: Go In Peace - A Gift of Enduring Love, edited by Joseph Durepos.

This book speaks about the spirituality of John Paul II and is edited by Joseph Durepos. The book shows Pope John Paul II's thoughts on many subjects and topics. The title of the book is an apt summary of John Paul II's before he passed away in 2005.

Good spiritual reading

The title of the book, "Go in Peace", is the context and background of all that John Paul II stood for in his work and mission of peace. In the very first pages of the book, there is a quote from him that says, "Peace is not a utopia, nor an inaccessible ideal, nor an unrealizable dream ... Peace is possible". As one reads the first pages of the book, the words of John Paul II come from a soul who brings peace - the peace which he could only received from his personal relationship with Christ.

Prayers and Quotations

At the end of each chapter in the book, there are prayers and more quotations from John Paul II. These prayers and quotations are concrete expressions of his thoughts and feelings on the subject and theme discussed in every chapter. Each chapter is easy to read and can pass as light reading material. And to fully benefit from the book, one must read it slowly to fully comprehend the richness in meaning in what he wrote.

Titles of the Chapters

  • On Prayer
  • On Forgiveness and Reconciliation
  • On Jesus
  • On Faith and Belief
  • On Living in the World
  • On Morality and the Christian Conscience
  • On the Church
  • On the Eucharist and the Mass
  • On the Family
  • On Suffering
  • On Christian Vocation and Working in the World
  • On God the Father

Be Not Afraid, Go in Peace

At the beginning of John Paul II's pontificate, his message of "Be Not Afraid", taken from Scripture, encourages the Church to witness to the world with the message of the gospel. This message is highlighted in the book, "Crossing the Threshold of Hope". There are more written resources of his spiritual message. The book "Go in Peace" is one of the final messages he gives to the Church. The spirit of the Gospel pervades in all of his thoughts and messages.

A spirituality that will continue to encourage and inspire

The Church is very fortunate to be gifted with a leader in the stature of John Paul II. He has touched the lives of many people who encountered him personally in his missionary journeys. A lot of people are waiting to have the title, the Great, after his name. So far only two popes have this title: Gregory the Great and Leo the Great. There is really something great in what John Paul II witnessed to the world since his teachings are rooted in the gospel and in his relationship with God. In the final prayer published in the book, one will sense the greatness of his spiritual message:

I leave you now with this prayer:

that the Lord Jesus will reveal Himself to each one of you, that He will give you the strength to go out and profess that you are Christian, that He will show you that He alone can fill your hearts. Accept His freedom and embrace His truth, and be messengers of the certainty that you have been truly liberated through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. This will be the new experience, the powerful experience, that will generate, through you, a more just society and a better world. God bless you, and may the joy of Jesus be always with you. Amen.

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