
Sunday, July 30, 2023

17th Sunday of the Year (A)

(Edited) Sunday reflections: (From) years 2014 (A), 2015 (B), and 2016 (C)

July 27, 2014
Liturgical readings
1 Kings 3:5, 7-12
Psalm 119
Romans 8:28-30
Matthew 13:44-52

"The reign of God is like a merchant's search for fine pearls."

One of the favorite themes of Jesus' preaching is the "reign of God" or the "kingdom of heaven". Both point to an eternal reality - one that is gift and mystery. Since this truth is beyond our capacity to understand, the Lord refers to it by means of parables. Through parables, Jesus speaks familiar realities to ordinary people of His time. Parables give glimpses of what the kingdom of heaven is. Shepherds, merchants, and fishermen easily understand when the Lord speaks to them of "a buried treasure", "a merchant's search for fine pearls" and "a dragnet that collects all sorts of things from the lake".

In relation to this, the Catechism of the Church says that everyone is called to the kingdom of God, because the Catholic Church is an inclusive spiritual family. She wants to extend the good news of salvation to all. This good news is proclaimed daily in the Mass, and it is brought to mission lands where the faith has not yet taken root. As with Christ, the missionaries bring the good news of God's kingdom to the "shepherds", "merchants" and "fishermen" of our present generation. Hearing the good news, they learn the truth of the kingdom by becoming Christians (Catechism #543-546).

Many seasoned Catholics educated in Catholic schools, are fortunate due to their roots in family and school. Since youth, these seasoned Catholics have been educated with a world of meaning directed to what is essential - the "search for fine pearls". These pearls are simply the wisdom, joy, peace, and perseverance needed in the journey of faith and life. In these perilous times, these "spiritual pearls" can provide the vision and wisdom to follow the Lord's light, and avoid paths to darkness and sin. The practice of the Church and human experiences continue to shepherd seasoned Catholics towards God's kingdom. Seasoned Catholics are given much; and so they are required to contribute to the mission of the Church in any way they can.

Scripture quotes for reflection:
"We know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His decree." (Romans 8)

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