
Monday, July 17, 2023

15th Sunday of the Year (A)

(Edited) Sunday reflections for liturgical years 2014 (A), 2015 (B), and 2016 (C)

July 13, 2014
Liturgical readings
Isaiah 55:10-11
Psalm 65
Romans 8:18-23
Matthew 13:1-23

The Lord said: "Mark well, then, the parable of the Sower."

Matthew's gospel helps to see the importance of God's Word - how it can produce fidelity to God, Church, family, and work. Each day is a challenge to produce a harvest not only for the family and the corporation, but most of all, for the Lord: to cultivate patience, kindness in the workplace, and prudence especially for a perilous time such as now. Prayer and the wisdom of experience teaches better ways to do one's job each day. Not all days are good. There can be misunderstanding, faith without depth, and anxiety-ridden situations that can choke off one's faith in God's Word. But if all strive to be "good soil", the Lord will certainly bless the work of everyone's hands.

Many lives prove that it is possible to hear God's Word and to live lives that are life-giving to others. The ordinary example of kind people around one's life and work is enough. St. Francis de Sales, the one who wrote "Introduction to the Devout Life", has an inspiring image in his book that proves being "good soil" is possible in the midst of a world where all sorts of vices and evils is seen or experienced. Below is St. Francis de Sales' quote:

"Just as fireflies pass through flames without burning their wings;
even so, a resolute person can live in the world without submitting
to its influence. He can fly through the flames of earthly attractions
without burning the wings of the holy desires of a devout life."

The temptation to lose patience, to worry or be anxiety-ridden of an uncertain future, due to disruptional change and environmental upheavals, can really "burn anyone's wings", if one is not careful. Resolution is the key. To be resolved to believe in Christ's word. Jesus says it well in the gospel: "Mark well, then, the parable of the Sower". Jesus repeats the central and important place of God's Word in our lives. To fully trust in His Word and His will can help avoid anxiety or fruitlessness in any work effort or responsibility in life. Placing one's life, work and family in the Lord's care will make all attentive to His word and let it achieve the the good harvest He wills of it.

Scripture quotes for reflection:
"God's Word shall not return to Him void, but shall do His will, achieving the end for which He sent it." (Isaiah 55)

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