
Sunday, May 28, 2023

Pentecost Sunday (A)

(Edited) Sunday reflections: (From) Years 2014 (A), 2015 (B), and 2016 (C)

June 8, 2014
Liturgical readings
Acts 2:1-11
Psalm 104
1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13
John 20:19-23

All were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Pentecost Sunday. A Solemnity to celebrate the birth of the Church. There is a Sequence for this solemn feast aside from the usual liturgical readings. It is recited in either prose or the poetic version. Both versions pray to the Holy Spirit - imploring Him to fill the hearts of the faithful. This Spirit is addressed by the faithful in many ways, as can be heard in the recitation of the Sequence: Father of the poor, giver of God's gifts, light of men's hearts, kindly Paraclete, source of all our store, the soul's most welcome guest, sweet refreshment here below, solace in the midst of woe...

The Holy Spirit is the giver of many charisms in the Church. One such charism is given to St. Louis-Marie de Montfort. Montfort was a French missionary priest who lived from 1673-1716 A.D. He wrote about the Holy Spirit in relation to the Blessed Mother. He says the Blessed Virgin Mary is like a spiritual magnet that attracts the Holy Spirit because of her manifold graces. This happened in the Incarnation; and it happened also at Pentecost. This is Montfort's intuition: in the Incarnation, Mary, attracted the Holy Spirit and the Word became flesh in her womb. Among the apostles in the Cenacle, she also attracted the Holy Spirit and the Church was conceived.

What is the Holy Spirit's role in this present generation? One role is the creation of Spirit-inspired charismatic movements - a very popular and spiritually magnetic arm of the Church. They were born at a time when rebirth and renewed attention to the Holy Spirit was ushered in by the Second Vatical Council in the early 1960s. This council brought the Church closer to the people through a renewed missionary force. The council made all the faithful aware that the present age is the age of the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit who guides and moves the Church, to a greater fervor in the faith, and a more ardent desire to know, love and serve God.

Scripture quotes for reflection:
"Tongues as of fire appeared which parted and came to rest on each of them. All were filled with the Holy Spirit." (1 Peter)

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