
Sunday, May 21, 2023

Ascension Sunday (A)

(Edited) Sunday reflections: (From) Years 2014 (A), 2015 (B), and 2016 (C)

June 1, 2014
Liturgical readings
Acts 1:1-11
Psalm 47
Ephesians 1:17-23
Matthew 28:16-20

Know that the Lord is with us always, until the end of the world.

At the very end of Matthew's gospel, God in His word consoles all the faithful: "Know that I am with you always until the end of the world". These are words of encouragement not only for the apostles, but for all the members of Christ's Body, the Church. The Lord promises His presence to all the baptized, that His responsibility of building the kingdom may be continued and extended. God has given, is giving, and will give all that is needed for each baptized individual to fulfill his respective responsibility in life. Most of all, He has encouraged each one now to make known the gospel message - in word and by deed.

The Catechism (cf #669) establishes the basic truth that Christ is the head of the Church, and we are members of His Body. We are members of His Body who will continue to accomplish the mission He began in His earthly life. It is by virtue of our baptismal consecration that we are called to share in the Church's mission to extend God's Kingdom to those who are in most need of it. God's kingdom is a kingdom of peace, of joy, of charity, and of bringing all men and women to the fullness of life with Christ.

As many seasoned Catholics know, to extend this Kingdom of God takes much of life. To extend God's Kingdom is to live the gospel values first, before that life can be a credible witness to the life-giving power of God. The Scripture (in the Acts of the Apostles) describes the difficulties of Jesus' followers in building God's kingdom. But they were not alone in this; and so are we now. The Lord is with us always, until the end of the world. We can live evangelically anywhere we reside, or go - even in the heart of the city. Each one can witness to life of Christ by being a positive influence to others. God continues to believe in us. And so should we, that others too may believe in Him.

Scripture quotes for reflection:
God mounts his throne amidst shouts of joy; the Lord amid trumpet blasts (Psalm 47)

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