
Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Rosary According to St. Louis-Marie de Montfort


The origins of praying the rosary depends on where you focus your search. One traditional story says that since the lay faithful could not pray the 150 psalms prayed by the clergy and monks, they instead adapted to the simple prayer of 150 Hail Marys - which was easier to memorize and recite. Another story of its origin is connected with St. Dominic's battle against the Albigensian heresy. This story says that the Blessed Virgin Mary gave the rosary to St. Dominic de Guzman to obtain victory against the Albigensians.

The Rosary as an established prayer

Since origins are difficult to ascertain when historical records in the past are not yet fully documented, what is definite is that the rosary as a prayer was established in the Church. An official Catholic rosary confraternity was founded and the establishment of numerous papal indulgences were given to this prayer. By 1573 A.D., an official feast of the rosary was declared and made part of the annual Catholic liturgical cycle.

St. Louis-Marie de Montfort and the rosary

Many saints wrote about the rosary and encouraged everyone to devote themselves to Mary through praying it regularly. In his book, "The Secret of the Rosary", St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, says that the rosary recited with the meditation of the mysteries brings about the following marvelous results:

  • 1 it brings us to a perfect knowledge of Jesus
  • 2 it purifies our souls from sin
  • 3 it gives us victory over our enemies
  • 4 it makes the practice of virtue easy
  • 5 it makes our love for God more ardent and fervent
  • 6 it enriches us with graces and merits
  • 7 it supplies us with what is needed to pay our debts to God and to others
  • 8 it obtains all kinds of graces from God

For many lay faithful who are employed, practice a profession, manage a business, and care for a family, the 7th benefit is a relief! It is a consolation to seriously consider that praying to Mary according to Montfort can help pay debts! But look how Montfort composed his list. This benefit is placed only towards the end. What is important for Montfort is the first benefit - "it gradually brings us a perfect knowledge of Jesus Christ" (Secret of the Rosary #81).

A Christ-centered prayer

The rosary is classified under all Marian devotions, and St. Louis-Marie de Montfort teaches that its primary end is to know Christ-Wisdom better. With St. John Paul II adding the light mysteries to the rosary, the devotion now points all the faithful more and more to the person of Christ. The rosary therefore is now seen as a Christ-centered prayer that helps the devotee know Christ, the Eternal Wisdom of God. It is the meditations accompanying the recitation of the prayers reveals who Christ is for us. As all the faithful contemplate the Person of Jesus in the joyful, sorrowful, luminous and glorious mysteries, all are led to know, love and serve the Lord all the more.

Sources of this blog post

  • The New Concise Catholic Dictionary, by Ekstrom
  • God Alone, by Montfort Publications

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