
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Three Degrees of Knowledge According to St. Isaac the Syrian


The "In Search of True Wisdom" speaks of a character named Father Panteleimon. Father Panteleimon spoke of three degrees of knowledge according to the teaching of St. Isaac the Syrian. The three degrees of knowledge lead to growth in divine knowledge of God according to the Orthodox tradition.

Profane knowledge

The first degree of knowledge is called profane knowledge. This knowledge is obtained in a university degree - in the arts or the sciences. This knowledge is basic and important because it is necessary for communicating with one another in society - to work together and build families, homes, businesses and industries.

Knowledge acquired through prayer

The second degree is knowledge acquired through prayer, watching, fasting, studying the Sacred Scriptures, and learning from the Fathers of the Church. This knowledge awakens in man a greater desire for things spiritual. This second degree involves a greater sense of detachment from the world and its familiar activities.


The third degree of knowledge is what St. Isaac the Syrian calls theoria
. Theoria is divinely infused knowledge - an experiential connatural love-knowledge that only God can give. This third degree of knowledge is a gift from God which can be received through "a glimpse", a "spiritual taste". Usually, it is known during a prolonged retreat.

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