
Sunday, February 12, 2023

Four Basic Means of Acquiring Christ, Divine Wisdom According to Montfort

St. Louis-Marie of Montfort and His Spirituality

The Four Basic Means of Acquiring Christ, Divine Wisdom According to the Teachings of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort

St. Louis-Marie de Montfort

St. Louis-Marie de Montfort lived in the years 1673-1716 A.D. In his missionary years, Montfort conducted numerous parish missions all over France. These missions eventually led to the founding of three religious congregations: the Company of Mary, the Daughters of Wisdom and the Brothers of St. Gabriel. All congregations follow Montfort's teachings and spirituality.

The basic spiritual intuition of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort is that Jesus is the Divine Wisdom from which no earthly knowledge nor philosphy can equal. This intuition is based on a passage in Scripture from the letter to the Corinthians: "For Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews, and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those who are called, Jews and Greeks alike, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God" [1 Corinthians 1:22-24].

As St. Louis-Marie de Montfort was caught up with this truth, he now gives four means and ways of acquiring Christ, Divine Wisdom, in Christian life.

Four Means of Acquiring Christ, Divine Wisdom

  • Ardent desire for wisdom
  • Constant and continuous prayer
  • Universal mortification - self-denial and renouncing the world and the flesh
  • A loving and genuine devotion to the Blessed Virgin

First means: Ardent desire

According to St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, the first means for acquiring Divine Wisdom is to have an ardent desire for it. This is basic to anything we want to acquire in spiritual life or temporal life. To have an ardent desire will increase the motivation to search for that which all hearts want. Following this basic logic, St. Louis-Marie de Montfort translates this truth: if one does not hunger, thirst or ardently desire Christ, divine Wisdom, then it is not likely one will be able to be in union with Him of wisdom.

Second means: Continuous prayer

The second means taught by St. Louis-Marie de Montfort is a truth also based in the gospel. In a gospel passage, Jesus said that all one needs to do is to ask, and you shall receive; knock, and the door shall be opened up to you; seek, and you shall find. And one should not desist or give up on prayer, to ask, to knock, and to seek. To persevere in prayer is important if one is to receive what God promises. There is a parable that illustrates the importance of perseverance in prayer. This parable tells the story of a man who had a visit from a friend near midnight. That friend needed loaves of bread. But the man was already in bed with his family, and has his residence all locked up. So he said "no". But because of the persistence of his friend, he acceded to the request, and gave his friend the loaves he needed. Also there is a gospel saying: "If we who are sinful and evil, know how to give good things to our children, how much more will the ever Goodness of the Father give His most Holy Spirit to those who ask Him."

Third means: Universal mortification

St. Louis-Marie de Montfort belongs to the classic tradition of sanctity that truly believes in the teaching: "if you wish to follow Me, you must deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me [even to Calvary]". Montfort teaches plainly that if one follows the wisdom of the flesh, the wisdom of the world, and the wisdom proferred by the Evil One, then one will not for certain acquire Jesus, the Divine Wisdom of one's life. What is important is self-denial - a self-denial that crucifies one's flesh of its base desires, and renouncing everything in the world that goes against the wisdom of Christ. So it is important to resist the temptations to earthly power, the flesh, the acquisition of excessive wealth. For these can weaken one's strength against the virtues of humility, purity and greed. The liturgical season of Lent can help anyone assess that which truly matters in life: a way of life that is responsible and in the service of God (in work, life and family). And to avoid all else that can hinder one's acquiring of Christ, Divine Wisdom.

Fourth means: A true, genuine and loving devotion to Mary

This is St. Louis-Marie de Montfort classic means of obtaining Christ, Divine Wisdom. He teaches how important to make one's devotion to Mary true and genuine. He stresses this because of his awareness to false devotions - those which do not lead to commitment to Christ as Eternal Wisdom and Divine Wisdom. For St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, true devotion to Mary is a devotion that makes Christ as the object of the devotion and one that leads to make a decisive desire to consecrate one's whole self and life - past, present and future - to the will of God through the hands of the Blessed Mother. For St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, this true devotion to the Blessed Virgin, is the greatest means of acquiring Divine Wisdom. Just as Mary said YES to the Lord at the Annunciation, and received in her womb the Son of God, so she is generously willing to give Christ, divine Wisdom, to all who ask it from her.

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