
Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Feasts of Saints Celebrated in the Month of March

on March 1: David or Dewi, bishop; Felix II (III), priest; Albinus or Aubin of Angers, bishop; Swithbert, bishop; Rudesind or Rosendo, bishop

on March 2: Chad or Ceadda, bishop

on March 3: Marinus and Astyrius, martyrs; Chelidonius and Emeterius, martyrs; Arthelais, virgin; Non or Nonnita; Winwaloe or Guénolé, abbot; Anselm of Nonantola, abbot; Cunegund, widow; Gervinus, abbot; Aelred of Rievaulx, abbot; Teresa Eustochio Verzeri

Casimir: (died 1484 A.D.); Polish prince; known as the "brother and defender of the poor"; led an austere life; patron of Poland and Lithuania. (March 4)

also on March 4: Adrian and Companions; Peter of Cava, bishop

on March 5: Adrian and Eubulus, martyrs; Phocas of Antioch, martyr; Eusebius of Cremona; Gerasimus, abbot; Ciaran or Kieran of Saighir, bishop; Piran, abbot; Virgil of Arles, bishop; John Joseph of the Cross

on March 6: Fridolin, abbot; Cyneburga, Cyneswide and Tibba; Chrodegang, bishop; Balred and Bilfred; Cadroe or Cadroel, abbot; Ollegarius or Oldegar, bishop; Cyril of Constantinople; Colette, virgin; Agnes of Bohemia

Perpetua and Felicity: Perpetua was a noble lady and Felicity was her slave; both died at Carthage in 203 under Septimus Severus; names mentioned in the Roman Canon (March 7)

also on March 7: Paul the Simple; Drausius or Drausin, bishop; Esterwine, abbot; Ardo; Theophylact, bishop

John of God (died 1530 A.D. in Granada); shepherd, soldier, and entrepreneur before his conversion at age 42; laid foundation for the Order of Hospitallers, today numbering 1,470 religious; patron of hospitals and the sick, of nurses and booksellers. (March 8)

also on March 8: Pontius; Philemon and Apollonius, martyrs; Senan, bishop; Felix of Dunwich, bishop; Julian of Toledo, bishop; Humphrey or Hunfrid, bishop; Duthar, bishop; Veremund, abbot; Stephen of Obazine, abbot

Frances of Rome: (died c. 1440 A.D.); noblewoman, wife and mother; founded a community of Benedictine women oblates committed to serving the poorest of the poor; patroness of widows and motorists. (March 9)

also on March 9: Pacian, bishop; Gregory of Nyssa, bishop; Bosa, bishop; Catherine of Bologna, virgin; Dominic Savio

on March 10: Codratus and Companions, martyrs; Marcarius of Jerusalem, bishop; Simplicius, priest; Kessog, bishop and martyr; Anastasia Patricia, virgin; Droctoveus or Drotté, abbot; Attalas, abbot; Himelin; John Ogilvie, priest and martyr

on March 11: Constantine, martyr; Sophronius, bishop; Vindician, bishop; Benedict Crispus, bishop; Oengus or Aengus, abbot and bishop; Eulogius of Cordova, martyr; Aurea, virgin; Teresa Margaret Redi, virgin

on March 12: Maximilian of Theveste, martyr; Peter, Gorgonius and Dorotheus, martyrs; Paul Aurelian, bishop; Theophanes the Chronicler, abbot; Alphege of Winchester, bishop; Bernard of Capua, bishop; Fina or Seraphina, virgin

on March 13: Euphrasia or Euphraxia, virgin; Mochoemoc, abbot; Gerald of Mayo, abbot; Nicephorus of Constantinople, bishop; Ansovinus, bishop; Heldrad, abbot; Roderic and Solomon, martyrs

on March 14: Leobinus or Lubin, bishop; Eutychius or Eustathius, martyr; Matilda, widow

on March 15: Longinus, martyr; Matrona, virgin and martyr; Zachary, priest; Leocritia or Lucretia, virgin and martyr; Louise de Marillac, widow; Clement Mary Hofbauer

on March 16: Julian of Antioch, martyr; Abraham Kidunia; Finnian Lobhar, abbot; Eusebia, abbess; Gregory Makar, bishop; Heribert, bishop

Patrick: bishop. Patron saint of Ireland. His two primary achievements were the promotion of a native clergy and the careful integration of the Christian faith with native Irish-Celtic culture. He used a simple, sincere, biblical style of preaching that won both hearts and minds. (March 17)

also on March 17: Joseph of Arimathea; Agricola, bishop; Gertrude of Nivelles, virgin; Paul of Cyprus; The Martyrs of the Serapeum; Jan Sarkander

Cyril of Jerusalem: (died 386 A.D.); great pastor and teacher; ordained bishop of Jerusalem in 348 A.D.; authored 18 "Catecheses" and 5 "Mystagogical Catechesis" devoted to the liturgy and the sacraments; exiled three times by the Arians. (March 18)

also on March 18: Alexander of Jerusalem, bishop and martyr; Frigidian or Frediano, bishop; Edward the Martyr; Anselm of Lucca, bishop; Salvator of Horta

St. Joseph: honored on 19 March since the end of the 10th c. A.D.; declared Patron of the Universal Church in 1870 A.D. by Pope Pius IX; mentioned in the Roman Canon. (March 19)

also on March 19: John of Panaca; Landoald and Companions; Alcmund, martyr

on March 20: Photina and Companions, martyrs; Martin of Braga, bishop; Cuthbert, bishop; Herbert; Wulfram, bishop; The Martyrs of Mar Saba

on March 21: Serapion, bishop; Enda, abbot

on March 22: Paul of Narbonne and Companions; Basil of Ancyra, martyr; Deogratias, bishop; Benvenuto of Osimo, bishop; Nicholas of Flue; Nicholas Owen, martyr

Toribio: (died 1606 A.D.); from Salamanca; as a layman he was the chief judge of the Inquisition at Granada; as Archbishop of Lima, he presided over the Council of Lima (1583 A.D.); established the first seminary in the New World; sought to alleviate poverty among the native population; contemporary of Rose of Lima; patron of Latin American bishops. (March 23)

also on March 23: Victorian and Companions, martyrs; Benedict the Hermit; Ethelwald or Oidilwald the Hermit; Joseph Oriol

on March 24: Irenaeus of Sirmium, bishop and martyr; Aldemar, abbot; Catherine of Vadstena, virgin; Simon of Trent and William of Norwich

on March 25: Annunciation of the Lord; Dismas, Barontius; Hermenland, abbot; Alfwold, bishop; Lucy Filippini, virgin; Margaret Clitherow, martyr

on March 26: Castulus, martyr; Felix of Trier, bishop; Macartan, bishop; Braulio, bishop; Ludger, bishop; Basil the Younger

on March 27: John of Egypt

on March 28: Guntramnus; Tutilo

on March 29: Barachisius and Jonas, martyrs; Cyril of Heliopolis, martyr, and Mark, bishop; Armogastes, Archiniumus, and Saturus, martyrs; Gundleus and Gwaladys or Gladys; Rupert, bishop; Berthold; Ludolf, bishop

on March 30: Regulus or Rieul, bishop; John Climacus, abbot; Zosimus, bishop; Osburga, virgin; Leonardo Murialdo, priest

on March 31: Balbina, virgin; Acacius or Achatius, bishop; Benjamin, martyr; Guy of Pomposa, abbot

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