Solemnities, Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials, and Traditional Dates of Commemoration
- Proterius, bishop
- Romanus and Lupicinus, abbots
- Hilarus, pope
- Oswald of Worcester, bishop
St. Hilarus or Hilary (d. ca. 468 A.D.) was an archdeacon when he was elected Pope on November 19, 461 A.D. His pontificate:
- improved ecclesiastical discipline,
- strengthened church organization in Gaul and Spain,
- adjucated disputes between contending bishops,
- held councils,
- rebuilt many Roman churches,
- publicly rebuked Emperor Anthemius in connection to the Macedonian heresy,
- confirmed the decisons of the General Councils (Nicaea, Ephesus, Chalcedon)
St. Hilarius died in Rome on February 28 [1]
Saints in the Byzantine Calendar [February 28]
- Basil, confessor and co-faster of St. Procopius
- Marina, Cyra, and Domnicia, Venerable Women
Sts. Marina, Cyra or Kyra, and Domnicia were ascetics during the 5th century in the East, in the area of Syria. Marina and Cyra were sisters, and Domnicia may have been one of their servants. The two sisters were from an illustrious and rich family.
When they reached maturity, Marina and Cyra left their parents and went off to a deserted place to practice an ascetical way of life. Some of their servants came to them and wanted to join their ascetical way of life, so the two sisters put them in a separate dwelling next to their enclosure.
Bishop Theodore of Cyrrhus knew of these holy women and wanted to visit them. (He also described them in his Religiosa Historica.) Out of respect for his office, they allowed him to enter their dwelling, so that they may converse. The Bishop advised them to moderate their penance. However, as soon as he left, the women resumed their very ascetical practice of wearing chains on their bodies, fasting and prayer.
Sts. Marina and Cyra died in about the year 450 A.D. Their ascetical life equaled the male ascetics of their time and as such, were rewarded as well with the crown of victory from Christ. [2]
References: Books and Websites
- [1] Dictionary of Saints, John J. Delaney
- [2] Venerable Marina and Kyra of Syria,