
Monday, August 28, 2023

Memorial of Saints (August 28)

St. Augustine of Hippo had such a great influence in Catholic faith and history, that most of the quotations in the Catechism are from his writings. (Second to him in the Catechism are from the writings of St. Thomas of Aquinas). Due to his popularity, many are familiar with his biography. Aside from his conversion experience written well in his book, "The Confessions", he then led a very exemplary life, pastoring his faithful with the utmost compassion and influencing Catholicism with his writings. St. Augustine also organized the clergy in a common life, and wrote a famous rule for religious women (died ca. 430 A.D.).

St. Hermes was a resident of Rome. He lived in the second century - a time when Christian martyrdom abounded with the likes of St. Ignatius of Antioch and St. Justin Martyr. Because of his faith in Christ, St. Hermes was imprisoned like many other Christians of his time. It was a judge named Aurelian who had Hermes arrested and executed for his Christian faith (died ca. 120 A.D.).

St. Julian of Brioude was a Christian army officer of Rome before he retired to Auvergne in France. The governor of Vienne at that time launched a persecution of Christians. Because of Julian's Christian faith, he had to surrender to the authorities of the State. He was sentenced to death and beheaded for his faith in Christ (died ca. 304 A.D.).

St. Alexander was elected patriarch of Constantinople when he was seventy-three years old. Known for his wisdom and holiness, he attended the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. - joining the other Council Fathers who were in opposition to Arianism. In 336 A.D., Arius, leader of the Arianism movement, was about to enter into the patriarchate of Alexander. St. Alexander prayed that Arius' movement may not influence his patriarchate. Arius died before he was able to enter Constantinople (died ca. 340 A.D.).

St. John III was a lawyer before he was ordained. Known for his scholarly abilities, he acted as legate for the patriarch of Constantinople. He edited a lot of canons of ecclesiastical law and his revisions developed into the Nomokanon - a compendium of Eastern Church law. St. John III was also appointed as Patriarch of Constantinople in 565 A.D. (died ca. 577 A.D.).

St. Paul IV, like St. Alexander and St. John III, became patriarch of Constantinople. He began to administer the patriarchate in 780 A.D. Paul IV requested the restoration of icons when the movement towards iconoclasm was threatening the reverence due to icons. He moved and retired to Florus monastery in 784 A.D. and from there pleaded that a Council be convoked to condemn iconoclasm. The Council was convoked three years after his death (died ca. 784 A.D.).

St. Moses the Black was initially a servant in the household of an Egyptian official. Because of his criminal behavior in that household, he was dismissed. He then became leader of a notorious band of outlaws that terrorized travelers in Egypt. But he was converted to the Christian faith. And tradition tells the story that when he was sought after because of a crime, he fled and hid among the hermits of the Skete Desert in Lower Egypt. He eventually joined the monks at Petra Monastery, lived as a hermit, and was ordained by Theophilus of Alexandria. When a band of marauding Berbers took siege of their monastery, St. Moses was killed when he refused to defend himself by force (died ca. 405 A.D.).

St. Edmund Arrowsmith was born into an English Catholic family at a time when England was persecuting Roman Catholicism. In 1605 A.D., Edmund left England and went to Douai to study for the priesthood. Ordained in 1612 A.D., he was sent for a mission to England the following year. Edmund ministered to the Catholics at Lancashire. In 1624 A.D., he joined the Jesuits. Because of the tension between Catholics and Anglicans in England, St. Edmund was arrested in 1628 A.D. He was convicted as a Catholic priest and was martyred for his faith. He is one of the Martyrs of England and Wales (died ca. 1628 A.D.).

St. Joaqunia of Vedruña was married. When her husband died in 1816 A.D., she brought her children to Vich and became a Franciscan tertiary. In 1820 A.D., a Capuchin priest encouraged Joaquina to be a nun, but to have her own community - one devoted to the education of the young and the ministry of the sick. Thus, in 1826 A.D., the Carmelites of Charity was founded. The Order spread first to Spain and to France (died ca. 1854 A.D.).

The Confessions, by St. Augustine of Hippo

One of the most celebrated saints in the Catholic faith is Saint Augustine of Hippo. His autobiography is entitled "The Confessions".

Some details of Saint Augustine's life

Although in the book, Saint Augustine's life is not clearly narrated compared to written biographies, there are events in his life that have molded him very well on the road to sanctity.

Saint Augustine was born in Hippo, Africa in the early 4th century. He lived a licentious life in his early years and was involved in the teaching known as Manichaeism. Because of his mother's, [Saint Monica] incessant prayers, he gradually converted to Christianity. The famous story is told about this conversion: it was the sermon of Saint Ambrose, whose words deeply touched his soul. Though Augustine sired a son out of wedlock, after his conversion, he included his son in the community which he started - a community that included his mother, his son, his sister, and his friends. His sister eventually became the abbess of the women, and he became the leader of the men. This community grew and became what we know now as the Augustinians.

A brief review of the autobiography

The book of "The Confessions" is very interesting. In the very first chapters of the book, you will really have a sense that the man is indeed a holy man, and is worthy of sainthood. It is really uncanny for someone who has achieved the status of bishop and doctor of the church to write about the sins of his "infancy and childhood!" This is something one must really read in order to sense the sanctity of the man.

As you read along the following chapters, you will not only read about details of his life, but also excerpts on his gift of wisdom - which are evident from his prayers and reflection. There is a lot of philosophical insights which you can also read and will reveal a lot about the Saint's intelligence and education. And more than these, are his spiritual insights on God and His love for all mankind.

The chapters in the book

There are thirteen 'books' in the book and the following list will give the titles of these thirteen books. One 'book' has as little as thirteen chapters, and another has as many as thirty one chapters.

  • Book 1: Childhood
  • Book 2: Augustine's Sixteenth Year
  • Book 3: Later Youth
  • Book 4: Augustine the Manichean
  • Book 5: At Rome and Milan
  • Book 6: Years of Struggle
  • Book 7: Problems of Thought and Belief
  • Book 8: The Grace of Faith
  • Book 9: The New Catholic
  • Book 10: A Philosophy of Memory
  • Book 11: Time and Eternity
  • Book 12: Form and Matter
  • Book 13: The Creation of the World

A classic recommended even by non-Christians

This book is so good that it is recommended by non-Christians who have read it without really knowing about the Christian faith. For those who are busy in their professional lives, this is a book you can read, to reset your mindset from the "ratings race". It will bring you into a world of ideas that are rooted in truths that is fully understood in a time of quiet and silence. It is the first few chapters of the book which are really interesting and easy to read. Towards the latter chapters, when Saint Augustine speaks more on the development of his Christian philosophy, the tone of the language begins to be heavier. You can skip the heavy topics and simply choose the parts of the book which can give you a sense of the greatness of his education and philosophy.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

21st Sunday of the Year (A)

(Edited) Sunday reflections: (From) Years 2014 (A), 2015 (B), and 2016 (C)

August 24, 2014
Liturgical readings
Isaiah 22:19-23
Psalm 138
Romans 11:33-36
Matthew 16:13-20

"Blest are you, Simon son of John!"

Peter's confession of Jesus as the Son of the living God, is (according to St. John Paul II), what we, as Church, have confessed and continue to confess over the centuries of the Catholic faith. It is an article of faith regularly confessed in the Confiteor of the Mass prayers - the prayer after the homily of the priest-presider. This is a very old practice in the Church. Rooted in Peter's confession, the early Christian communities (like the Corinthians in St. Paul's letters) continued this tradition every time they gathered around the Word, and broke the bread in remembrance of Christ, His Passion, Death and Resurrection.

Peter's confession of faith is a good example for all. Peter's faith was not always strong. It was tested as he saw the Lord enter into His Passion. All the faithful, like Peter, will have to endure tests of faith in God along life's journey. When adverse conditions enter one's life, some can be tempted, like Peter, to deny one's faith in Christ. But if ever anyone fails like Peter, that is not important. What is important is that all the faithful follow Peter's example, repent, and have faith again in God. It is Peter's repentance and restoration by Christ that is a good example for the Catholic faithful. All are invited to confess the sins that reveal their denial of knowing Christ. This is the reason God became man. Not to save the righteous among the faithful, but to save those who seek His mercy and forgiveness.

To be Catholic now is quite a challenge. For the world is beset by environmental changes that unsettle communities of people. And the world is at that threshold where the thin line between peace and war may be easily broken at any time. With calamities and conflicts populating our world, being Catholic now means taking a stand with Christ for faith, peace and confidence in Him. The stand for Christ will be stable if we source it from two traditional devotions: devotion to Christ in the Eucharist and devotion to Mary. This is the spiritual counsel that St. John Bosco gave in his time. It is a counsel the faithful can also follow. And it does not take much. For a devotion to the Eucharist and to the Blessed Mother are popular devotions in the family or parish where each Catholic belongs.

Scripture quotes for reflection:
"How deep are the riches and the wisdom and the knowledge of God. How inscrutable his judgment, how unsearchable his ways." (Romans 11)