
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Commemoration of Saints (March 12)

Solemnities, Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials, and Traditional Dates of Commemoration

  • Maximilian of Theveste, martyr
  • Peter, Gorgonius, and Dorotheus, martyrs
  • Paul Aurelian, bishop
  • Theophanes the Chronicler, abbot
  • Alphege of Winchester, bishop
  • Bernard of Capua, bishop
  • Fina or Seraphina, virgin [1]

Today, March 12, is the commemoration of 4 martyrs, 3 bishops, 1 abbot and 1 virgin in the Catholic Church.

The abbot commemorated today is St. Theophanes the Chronicler (d. ca. 817 A.D.)

St. Theophanes was from Constantinople and was left a large fortune when his father died. He grew up at the court of Emperor Constantine V. He married, but after both his wife and himself agreed to separate for matters of vocation, Theophanes became a monk and his wife became a nun.

Theophanes built monasteries on Mount Sigriana and on the island of Kalonymos. After six years he became abbot of Mount Sigriana.

In the Council of Nicaea in 787 A.D., Theophanes supported the decrees approving the veneration of sacred images and fought against its heresy - iconoclasm. This led to a conflict with Emperor Leo the Armenian who supported iconoclasm. When Theophanes did not accede to the iconoclastic policies of Emperor Leo, he was arrested, maltreated and banished to Samothrace. It was here that he died on March 12 from all the ill treatment that he received since his imprisonment.

Theophanes is called the "Chronicler" because of his Chronographia - a historical writing that covered the years 284-813 A.D. [2]

Saints in the Byzantine Calendar [March 12]

  • Theophan of Syngria
  • Gregory the Great, Pope of Rome

Today, 2 Saints are commemorated in the Orthodox Churches that follow the Byzantine Calendar: St. Theophan and St. Gregory the Great. St. Theophan is the same as the St. Theophanes that the Catholic Church also commemorates today. St. Gregory the Great, Pope of Rome, is commemorated in the Catholic Church every September 3. What is common among these two Saints is that both of them were writers.

Understanding the Differences in Dates of Commemoration

The bigger context of difference in the Dates of Commemoration of Saints is understood from the perspective of the key differences between Roman Catholicism, Eastern Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox Churches. The more specific context of the differences can be gleaned from the adoption of either the Julian Calendar or the Gregorian Calendar.

Roman Catholicism and Eastern Catholic Churches:

Eastern Catholic Churches have their own distinct liturgical rites, traditions, and canon law, but they are in full communion with the Pope. This means they recognize his authority and share the same core beliefs. Therefore, they are not separate churches, but rather churches "sui iuris" (of their own law) within the one Catholic Church.

Eastern Orthodox Churches:

The Great Schism of 1054 A.D. marked the formal separation between the Eastern Orthodox Churches and the Catholic Church. Eastern Orthodox Churches are indeed independent and self-governing, with each church typically headed by its own patriarch or archbishop. They do not recognize the Pope's universal jurisdiction. While there can be respectful dialogue and relations between the Eastern Orthodox and the Catholic Church, they are currently not in full communion. Orthodox Christians respect the bishop of Rome as one of the ancient patriarchs, but do not recognize his supreme authority.

Here's a simplified breakdown:

Catholic Church:

  • Includes Roman Catholic Church (Latin Rite)
  • Includes Eastern Catholic Churches (various rites)
  • All united under the Pope.

Eastern Orthodox Churches:

  • Independent churches (e.g., Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox)
  • Do not recognize the Pope's universal authority.
  • Separated from the Catholic church in 1054 A.D.

In essence, the key difference lies in the recognition of papal authority. Eastern Catholics accept it, while Eastern Orthodox Churches do not [3]. The difference therefore in the commemoration of the Saints from all these Churches spring from the difference in liturgical rites and adherence to traditional dates or changes in them due to the schisms and decentralizations of Church structures that occured in historical development of the Churches. Another contributing factor is the use of calendars: either the Julian Calendar or the Gregorian Calendar.

The Julian Calendar and the Gregorian Calendar

The Byzantine calendar is based on the Julian calendar, but with the year starting on September 1st and using an Anno Mundi (Year of the World) epoch, rather than the Anno Domini (A.D., Year of our Lord) as used in the West. The Byzantine calendar, used by the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Byzantine Empire, fundamentally followed the Julian calendar.

Unlike Western Europe, the Byzantine world never adopted the Anno Domini system, which counts years from the birth of Jesus.

While the Gregorian calendar was reformed in the West in 1582 A.D. to correct for the drift in the Julian calendar, it was not widely adopted in the East, and many churches continued using the Julian calendar for liturgical purposes. Some Orthodox churches, like the Russian Orthodox Church, still use the Julian calendar today to calculate the dates of moveable feasts, while other churches use the Revised Julian calendar for fixed dates [4].

References: Books, Websites & AI Search Results

  • [1] Pocket Catholic Dictionary, John A. Hardon
  • [2] Dictionary of Saints, John J. Delaney
  • [3] Prompt to Gemini, "clarify this: roman catholicism and eastern catholics with their own rites and liturgies, but loyal to the roman pontiff, are united as one catholic church. eastern orthodox churches are independent christian churches that separated from rome in 1054 A.D. with the great schism", March 12, 2025
  • [4] AI Overview for the search query "does the byzantine calendar follow the julian or the gregorian calendar?",, March 12, 2025

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Commemoration of Saints (March 11)

Solemnities, Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials, and Traditional Dates of Commemoration

  • Constantine, martyr
  • Sophronius, bishop
  • Vindician, bishop
  • Benedict Crispus, bishop
  • Oengus, abbot and bishop
  • Eulogius of Cordova, martyr
  • Aurea, virgin
  • Teresa Margaret Redi, virgin [1]

St. Oengus or Aengus (d. ca. 824 A.D.) was from a noble family in Ulster, Ireland. He entered a monastery in Leix and became one of the most learned men in Ireland in his time. His desire for solitude led him to retire to a cell a few miles from the monastery, but his asceticism and spiritual practices attracted so many visitors. He was thus forced to leave that cell.

After the Clonenagh monastery in Leix, Oengus entered the monastery of Tallaght without revealing his identity. He worked as a servant. When the abbot, Maelruain, learned of who he was, the abbot insisted that he assume a rightful place of honor because of his great learning. When Maelruain passed away in 787 A.D., St. Oengus returned to the monastery where he began - at Clonenagh in Leix. He became abbot and then was later consecrated as a bishop. He retired to Dysartbeagh, or Dysartenos, where he died on March 11.

St. Oengus or Aengus is often called "the Culdec or Culdee" (God's Vassal) for his writings. Of his writings, he is known for the Felire - a metrical hymn to the saints. It was also a register of saints and their feast days, written in the vernacular [2][3][4]

Saints in the Byzantine Calendar [March 11]

  • Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem [2]

Today, March 11, St. Sophronius (d. ca. 638 A.D.), Patriarch of Jerusalem, Bishop, is commemorated in the Catholic Church and in the Byzantine Calendar of the Eastern Orthodox Churches. Before he became Patriarch of Jerusalem, he was a monk and a theologian.

He wrote much:

  • composed a Florilegium ("Anthology") of some 600 texts from the Early Church Fathers
  • an Encomium on the Alexandrian martyrs Cyrus and John in gratitude for the cure of his failing vision
  • 23 Anacreontic (classical metre) poems
  • the Life of St. Mary of Egypt

According to the Passion of the 60 Martyrs of Gaza, Sophronius was executed for baptising Muslim converts. This may have been after he was forced to flee Jerusalem (when the Saracens captured the city in 638 A.D.) and went to Alexandria where he may have died or executed [5][6].

References: Books, Websites & AI Search Results

  • [1] Pocket Catholic Dictionary, John A. Hardon
  • [2] Dictionary of Saints, John J. Delaney
  • [3] Dysartbeagh,
  • [4] Oengus of Tallaght,
  • [5] Sophronius of Jerusalem,
  • [6] Dictionary of Saints, John J. Delaney

Monday, March 10, 2025

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem: Music CD

"Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, Healing Worship" from the City of David with Paul Wilbur

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem is a music CD which any charismatic music afficionado will appreciate. It is worship music and the style of presentation is majestic and magnificent. The choir's rendition is inspiring and uplifting.

A brief introduction

The music CD is lively worship music with prayer for the peace of Jerusalem as its subject and theme. The cover design of the music CD shows an Israeli soldier praying before the wailing wall with a rifle dangling behind his back. And under the title, "Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem", is found a dove presented in a flash of white light passing through. In the background of both these subjects is the city of Jerusalem populated by soldiers.

The lyrics of the song

Since the songs are an occasion to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, much of the lyrics and words of the songs are in Hebrew. But the songs are not really in pure Hebrew. It is a combination of both Hebrew and English lyrics. The effect of this combination brings you into an atmosphere of Jewish religious culture.

The titles of the songs

  • Introit
  • Blessed Are You
  • Let the Weight of Your Glory Fall
  • For Your Name Is Holy
  • Baruch Haba (Blessed Is He Who Comes)
  • Ma Tovu (O How Good)
  • In Your Presence O God
  • Prayer For The Peace Of Jerusalem (Musical
  • Shalom Jerusalem
  • Kadosh
  • Show Me Your Face
  • Even So
  • Lord Take Up Your Holy Throne

A quote from the CD

This is a quote from the back cover of the music CD. I quote it here to signify the importance of praying for peace in Jerusalem.

"Significant for the times, Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem contains passionate songs of prayer that reveal a longing for the return of the Messiah and peace for Jerusalem. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper. - [Psalm 122:6]"