
Sunday, December 08, 2024

Memorial of Saints (December 8)

Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints

  • Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Romaric, abbot

The feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrates the conception of Mary in the womb of St. Anne without the stain of original sin. This feast originated in the East and spread through Europe in the 12th century A.D. In 1476 A.D., Pope Sixtus IV listed it in the Roman Calendar. While the majority of the Franciscans propagated the teaching about the Immaculate Conception of Mary, the majority of the Dominicans were against it. But on December 8, 1854 A.D., Pope Pius IX's bull Ineffabilis Deus (Latin for "Ineffable God") declared it as dogma for all Catholics to believe. The Blessed Mother's preservation from original sin was a "singular grace and privilege" given her by God "in view of the merits of Jesus Christ" as the Savior of the human race.

Historical details: While it was still not officially declared by the bull of Pope Pius IX, the introduction of this feast in France was contested by St. Bernard of Clairvaux (Cistercian).

This launched a process of contestability that would last for three centuries. Most of the scholastics, including

opposed it on the grounds that it detracted from the universality of the redemption. However, the feast was defended by John Duns Scotus (Franciscan) and many of the Franciscans who adopted the feast in 1263 A.D.

Those who opposed the feast granted that Mary was sanctified in St. Anne's womb but argued that she had to be touched by original sin for at least one instant. John Duns Scotus resolved these objections by arguing that Christ can save in two ways:

  • in the first, he rescues from sin those already fallen;
  • in the second, he preserves someone from being touched by sin even for an instant.

Later Councils and Popes affirmed the belief

  • The Council of Basel (1439 A.D.)
  • Pope Sixtus IV in 1476 A.D.
  • The Council of Trent (1545-1563 A.D.)
  • Pope Clement XI in 1708 A.D.

Since the Council of Trent the belief was defended not only by the Franciscans, but also the Carmelites, by many Dominicans, and also the Jesuits.

Other historical details that affirmed the belief

  • St. Catherine Laboure promoted the devotion in 1830 A.D.
  • The First Council of Baltimore in 1846 A.D.

So, after so many centuries of contesting, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is on the General Roman Calendar.

Related blog post

December 8 Saints in the Byzantine Calendar

  • The Immaculate Conception of Our Most Holy Queen, Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary
  • "The Conception of St. Anne"

The Conception by St. Anne of the Most Holy Theotokos is observed by the Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches the next day, on December 9. But in the Byzantine Calendar, it is observed on this date, December 8.

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Memorial of Saints (December 7)

Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints

  • Ambrose, bishop and doctor of the Church
  • Eutychian, priest
  • Josepha Rosello, virgin

St. Ambrose of Milan (339-397 A.D.) was born at Gaul but went to Rome where he became a lawyer and even consul of Milan. He was acclaimed by the people as bishop. One week later, he was baptized. After getting more instructions he was ordained priest and bishop. St. Ambrose was known as an apostle of charity. He reformed the liturgy, wrote commentaries on the Old Testament and the Gospel of Luke. As bishop, he directed many to the Catholic faith, among them St. Augustine of Hippo. St. Ambrose of Milan and St. Augustine of Hippo are both "Fathers of the Church and Doctors of the Church. "Father of the Church" is a more traditional title than Doctor of the Church, Learn more.

St. Josepha Rosello (1811-1880 A.D.) was born and baptized as Benedetta in Liguria, Italy. Together with two cousins, she founded a community in Savona in 1837 A.D. The Congregation, the Daughters of Our Lady of Pity, takes care of the education of poor girls, the founding of hospitals, and doing charitable works. Josepha Rosello was canonized by Pope Pius XII in 1949 A.D.

December 7 Saints in the Byzantine Calendar

  • Ambrose, Bishop of Milan

In 1298 A.D., Ambrose of Milan was named Doctor of the Church. His feast today is in the General Roman Calendar. It commemorates not the day of his death, (as most Saints are commemorated), but on the day of his consecration as a bishop. His feast is also celebrated on this day by the:

  • Greek Orthodox Church
  • Russian Orthodox Church
  • Church of England
  • Episcopal Church in the USA
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Friday, December 06, 2024

Memorial of Saints (December 6)

Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints

  • Nicholas of Myra, bishop
  • Dionysia, Majoricus, and Companions, martyrs
  • Abraham of Kratia, bishop

St. Nicholas of Myra (died 4th c. A.D.): He was bishop of Myra (now in Turkey) in Asia Minor. He signed the document at the Council of Nicaea (325 A.D.) which affirmed the divinity of Christ.

St. Nicholas was known as a compassionate man who cared for the young ones and helped all those he saw in need or came to him for help. He became one of the most loved and honored saints. More than 2,000 churches are named in his honor in Europe alone.

He is the patron of Russia, Greece, Sicily and Lorraine, and of children and sailors.

St. Abraham of Kratia (ca. 474-558 A.D.) was born in Emesa, Syria. He became a monk but was forced to flee to Constantinople because the community he belonged was dispersed by nomadic raiders. In Constantinople, he became a procurator of a monastery.

When he reached twenty-six he became abbot of the monastery in Kratia in Bythinia. About ten years later he went to Palestine to seek solitude and a life of contemplation. However, he was forced to return by his bishop and eventually became the local bishop of Kratia. He served as bishop for 13 years before he retired in 525 A.D. Again he left for Palestine and remained there for the rest of his life.

December 6 Saints in the Byzantine Calendar

  • Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra

St. Nicholas of Myra became the basis of the legend of Santa Claus. His feast is on the General Roman Calendar and is also observed by the:

  • Greek Orthodox Church
  • Russian Orthodox Church
  • Church of England
  • Episcopal Church in the USA
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church in America