
Friday, October 25, 2024

Crossing the Threshold of Hope

Book: "Crossing the Threshold of Hope", a compiled text of the interview made with John Paul II by Vittorio Messori.

The book explains with clarity important truths of the Catholic faith. It is composed of responses made by St. John Paul II to the interview of Vittorio Messori.

Issues addressed by the competent authority of John Paul II

Issues relevant to our contemporary times are made clearer by the Pope's citation of truths based on Scriptures and Tradition. Much of the concerns and moral issues that are plaguing the Church at present, which are making it difficult for bringing more members, are the scandals which the late Holy Father discusses.

To get an idea of the topics in the book, here is a list of the titles:

  • "The Pope": A Scandal and a Mystery
  • Praying: How and Why
  • How Does the Pope Pray?
  • Does God Really Exist?
  • "Proof": Is it Still Valid?
  • If God Exists Why Is He Hiding
  • Is Jesus the Son of God
  • What Has Become of the "History of Salvation"?
  • The Centrality of Salvation
  • Why is There So Much Evil in the World?
  • Why Does God Tolerate Suffering?
  • What Does "To Save" Mean?
  • Why So Many Religions?
  • Buddha?
  • Muhammad?
  • Judaism?
  • A Minority by the Year 2000
  • What is the "New Evangelization"?
  • Is there Really Hope in the Young?
  • Was God at Work in the Fall of Communism
  • Is Only Rome Right?
  • In Search of Lost Unity
  • Why Divided?
  • The Church and the Council
  • A "Dialogue of Salvation"
  • A Qualitative Renewal
  • The Reaction of the "World"
  • Does "Eternal Life" Exist?
  • What is the Use of Believing?
  • Human Rights
  • The Defense of Every Life
  • The Mother of God
  • Women
  • "Be Not Afraid"
  • Crossing the Threshold of Hope

Learn more about the life and mission of St. John Paul II. Check the list of his life and work from 1920, his birth, until 2005, his death.

Memorial of Saints (October 25)

Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints

  • Chrysanthus and Daria, martyrs;
  • Crispin and Crispinian, martyrs;
  • Fronto and George, bishops;
  • Gaudentius, bishop

St. Gaudentius (d. ca. 410 A.D.) was a native of Brescia, Italy. He studied under St. Philastrius, went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and then became a monk at Caesarea in Cappadocia. He eventually succeeded St. Philastrius as bishop of Brescia despite his own objections, and was consecrated by St. Ambrose in ca. 387 A.D. Together with two other bishops, he was sent by Pope Innocent I to defend St. John Chrysostom, but they were imprisoned. Eventually, the three bishops were given freedom with St. Gaudentius returning to Italy where he died.

Related blog posts:

  • On June 24, 404 A.D., Emperor Arcadius ordered St. John of Chrysostom into exile at Cucusus, Armenia, despite the support of the people of Constantinople, Pope Innocent I, and the whole western Church., (Learn more about St. John of Chrysostom and the historical context in which St. Gaudentius of Brescia was involved)

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Memorial of Saints (October 24)

Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints

  • Anthony Claret
  • Felix of Thibiuca, bishop and martyr;
  • Proclus, bishop;
  • Aretas and the martyrs of Najran and Elesbaan;
  • Senoch, abbot;
  • Martin or Mark;
  • Maglorius or Maelor, bishop;
  • Martin of Vertou, abbot;
  • Ebregislus or Evergislus, bishop

St. Anthony Claret: (died 1870 A.D.); from Catalonia; vigorous reforming bishop of Santiago, Cuba; founded (1849 A.D.) the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians), today numbering about 2,900 members; fostered credit unions and the apostolic press.

St. Maglorius, or Maelor (d. ca. 586 A.D.) was born at Glamorgan, Wales. He became a disciple of St. Samson and accompanied him to the mission in Britanny. St. Maglorius eventually succeeded St. Samson as bishop of Dol. When he reached old age, he resigned his office of bishop to live as a hermit on Sark. At Sark, when he miraculously cured a chieftain from a skin disease, the chieftain gave him property. St. Maglorius used this property to found and build a monastery. He ministered to the people in the area during famine and plague and reportedly performed many miracles.