Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints
- Theodoret, martyr;
- Severinus or Seurin, martyr;
- Severinus Boethius, martyr;
- Romanus of Rouen, bishop;
- Ignatius of Constantinople, bishop;
- Allucio
- John of Capistrano
John of Capistrano (died 1456 A.D.): OFM; reformer of the Franciscans and Poor Clares; preached devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus; sought an end to the Western Schism; animated resistance against the Turks at the battle of Belgrade (1456 A.D.); patron of military chaplains.
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- St. Clare of Assisi, Foundress of the Poor Clares, Learn more
- St. Anthony of Padua, Franciscan and 1 of 3 Franciscan Doctors of the Church, Learn more
St. Allucio (d. ca. 1134 A.D.) was a shepherd in Pescia, Tuscany, Italy. He became director of the almshouse in Valdi Nievole and built shelters at river crossings and mountain passes. These were run by young men who became known as the Brothers of St. Allucio. St. Allucio's cult was approved by Pope Pius IV.