
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Memorial of Saints (September 24)

Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints

  • Our Lady of Ransom;
  • Geremarus or Germer, abbot;
  • Gerard of Canaad, bishop and martyr;
  • Pacifico of San Severino

St. Geremarus or Germer (d. ca. 658 A.D.) was a Frankish nobleman from Beauvais, France. He married Domana and had three children. Their two daughters died. When their son Amalbert was grown, Geremarus and Domana decided to enter religious life. Geremarus soon became abbot at Pentale monastery. When an attempt on his life was made because of the strictness of his rule, he left and became a hermit. In 655 A.D., when his son Amalbert died, Geremarus used whatever was left of his estate to build a monastery at Flay, of which he was abbot until his death.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Memorial of Saints (September 23)

Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints for September 23

  • Pio of Pietrelcina, priest
  • Adamnan, abbot;
  • Martha of Persia, virgin and martyr

Padre Pio of Pietrelcina was born in 1887 A.D. in the small Italian village in Pietrelcina. He joined the Capuchin Friars at the age of sixteen and was ordained a priest seven years later. For forty years at the monastery of San Stefano Rotundo he was a much sought after spiritual advisor, confessor and intercessor whose life was devoted to the Eucharist and prayer. Yet such notoriety, he would often say "I only want to be a poor friar who prays."

Learn more on the life of Padre Pio

St. Martha of Persia (ca. 260 A.D.) was the wife of St. Marius. St. Marius was a noble of Persia who became a Christian and gave away his wealth to the poor in Jerusalem. St. Martha went with her husband and two sons on a pilgrimage to Rome during a persecution of Christians by Emperor Claudius. She and her family were apprehended at Rome, tortured, and then put to death. Marius was beheaded with his two sons while Martha was drowned at Santa Ninfa near Rome.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

25th Sunday of the Year (B)

(Edited) Sunday reflections (from) liturgical years 2014 (A), 2015 (B), and 2016 (C)

September 20, 2015
Liturgical readings
Wisdom 2:12, 17-20
Psalm 54
James 3:16 - 4:3
Mark 9:30-37

"Christ put His arms around a little child."

World history records kingdoms built on the power of military force. This is the order in history by which peoples or nations dominate others and the areas around them. Christ, however, points to a kingdom built not on military force but towards a supernatural order: one that is ordered according to His Father's love for all who are obedient to His will. He points (as this Sunday gospel states) to a little child - one model of humility and obedience who can signify this kingdom. Since His disciples were arguing about who was the most important among themselves, Christ settled the dispute by presenting a little child to His followers, and made them understand, that a "child" in God's kingdom knows that the most important Person of all is the Father. The Father is the One who provides and cares for all His children.

And since the disciples of Jesus still understood that the Christ, the Messiah, was to be a political figure who would redeem the people Israel from their bondage to Rome, they misunderstood the mission of Jesus. It is a mission not to be completed through military force, but would include the event of Christ's passion, death and resurrection. Because of this mentality, they were overwhelmed by the tragic events Christ had to go through in Golgotha. They had become fearful - fleeing and seeking refuge in the Cenacle for fear of the Jews. Only when their Master and Lord rose again from the dead did they find comfort and courage again - with a peace that only a Father in Heaven can give. In all His resurrection appearances, Jesus greeted all His followers with "Peace". It was this gift of peace that healed the wounds of violence that entered the soul of the apostolic community. They would then receive greater courage to preach this gift of peace after the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Relating to God as Father is part of every Catholic's profession of faith. And Christ made all His apostles and followers understand that in Him they also see the Father. This faith in God as Father and the piety which developed in the history of Catholic devotions is seen in the life and example of St. Therese of the Child Jesus and St. Gabriel Possenti, a Passionist. For those who have read St. Therese's autobiography, it is easy to understand why the example of her life embodies what Christ Jesus says in this Sunday's gospel. In her autobiography, she tells the story of how she grew in the context of a family devoted to God with respect for sisters and parents, especially her father. The Church thus preaches that God entered the history of mankind and the world in the context of family. The Church upholds this value of family as a living and vibrant seed for vocations that can bring the message of Christ to all cultures in the world.