Augustine (died 430 A.D.): born in Tagaste, North Africa; after a dissolute life, he received baptism at age 33 from Ambrose; elected bishop of Hippo; combatted Manicheans, the Donatists and Pelagius; most noted for his Confessions and the City of God; over 500 homilies are extant; considered a founder of monastic life in the West, his Rule is observed by some 150 religious communities today; one of the four great doctors of the Latin Church; called the "Doctor of grace."
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More details of the book, The Confessions, at
also on August 28:
- Hermes;
- Julian of Brioude, martyr;
- Alexander, John III, and Paul IV, bishops;
- Moses the Black;
- Edmund Arrowsmith, priest and martyr;
- Joachim of Vedruña, religious
St. Julian of Brioude (d. ca. 304) was a native of Vienne in Gaul and a Christian officer in the Roman army. He retired to Auvergne, but Crispin, the governor of Vienne, began the persecution of Christians living under his governance. Julian was arrested and was beheaded for his faith near Brioude.
The story of St. Moses the Black is colorfully illustrated in the book, Saints Behaving Badly, by Craughwell. You can learn more about the details of this book at Moses the Black began his life with a band of violent marauders and thieves. Eventually, he was led to a monastery in the desert to escape from those who wanted him dead. In the monastery, he experienced conversion of manners and morals. When a band of Berbers invaded the monastery, despite his fighting skills, Moses was killed together with six other monks. He refused to defend himself by the manner of force he used to have before his conversion.
St. Hermes was a resident of Rome. He lived in the second century - a time when Christian martyrdom abounded with the likes of St. Ignatius of Antioch and St. Justin Martyr. Because of his faith in Christ, St. Hermes was imprisoned like many other Christians of his time. It was a judge named Aurelian who had Hermes arrested and executed for his Christian faith (died ca. 120 A.D.).