
Saturday, August 17, 2024

Memorial of Saints (August 17)

on August 17:

  • Hyacinth, confessor;
  • Mamas, martyr;
  • Eusebius, priest;
  • Liberatus and Companions, martyrs;
  • Clare of Montefalco, virgin

Mamas (d. ca. 275 A.D.) was a shepherd at Caesarea, Cappadocia. There are two stories about him:

  • The Roman Martyrology says he was the son of Saints Theodotus and Rufina, and was executed for his faith in his old age during the reign of Emperor Aurelian.
  • An Eastern tradition says he was stoned to death when he was a boy. St. Basil and St. Gregory Nazianzen both wrote of the story of Mamas.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Memorial of Saints (August 16)

Stephen (died 1038 A.D.): as the first Christian king of Hungary he united and Christianized the Magyar people; received the "holy crown" from Pope Sylvester II in 1000 A.D.; renowned for his charity to beggars; known as the "apostolic king and apostle of Hungary."

also on August 16:

  • Arsacius;
  • Armel, abbot;
  • Roch

Arsacius (d. 358 A.D.) was a Persian in the Roman army. He was persecuted as a Christian during the reign of Emperor Licinius, but was soon released. Upon his release, he became a hermit, and was known for his miracles and gift of prevision. His prediction of an earthquake happened, but he died during that calamity.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, Memorial of Saints (August 15)

on August 15:

  • Assumption of Mary,
  • Tarsicius, martyr;
  • Arnulf or Arnoul of Soissons, bishop

More blog posts on the Assumtionn of Mary: The Blessed Virgin Mary, Four Marian Dogmas in the Catholic Church

Tarsicius (3rd century A.D.) was an acolyte at Rome. He was carrying the Eucharist to bring it to some Christians in prison, when he was accosted by a mob and beaten to death. This story is included in the novel "Fabiola", and Pope Damasus wrote a poem about it. St. Tarcisius is the patron of first communicants.