With the beginning of Advent, a new liturgical year in the Catholic Church begins. In some Catholic countries, they call the liturgical year a Cycle. So if some countries call the present liturgical calendar as Year A, other Catholics have the tradition to call it Cycle A. (author's note: Spanish-speaking countries, as well as the Philippines and Portuguese-speaking Brazil use the term Year A, B, and C; while English-speaking countries and European countries use the term Cycle A, B, and C.) But both Year and Cycle mean the same: in Year or Cycle (A), the gospel of Matthew is mostly used in the regular Sunday Eucharists (with Lent and Easter season as exceptions); in Year or Cycle (B), the gospel of Mark is generally used; in Year or Cycle (C), it is the gospel of Luke that sets the thematic framework for the regular Sunday Eucharists.
Christmas hymn and a hymn in honor of the feast of the Holy Family
Below are two hymns related to this holiday season. The first is a Christmas hymn while the other is a hymn on the Holy Family with a focus on the person of St. Joseph.
Christmas hymn
The music accompanying the text of this hymn was composed by E. Elgar (1857-1934 A.D.).
Unto us a Child is given,
Christ our Savior bring release;
Counselor, Eternal Father,
God made man, and Prince of Peace.
Born of Mary, gentle virgin,
By the Spirit of the Lord;
From eternal ages spoken:
This the mighty Father's Word.
Love and truth in Him shall flower,
From His strength their vigor take.
Branches that are bare shall blossom;
Joy that slept begins to wake.
Praise the everlasting Father,
And the Word, His only Son;
Praise them with the Holy Spirit,
Perfect Trinity in One.
Hymn to the Holy Family
There are many hymns to the Holy Family. Here is one which features St. Joseph. The text and music are by Stephen Somerville, 1971, 1972 A.D.
Joseph of Nazareth, you are the man
Last in the line that rose from David, King,
Down through the royal generations ran,
And ends with Jesus Christ.
Gabriel from heaven came to Mary's side,
Came with the joyful promise of a King,
Came to you also, Joseph, to confide
That God conceived the Child.
Guardian and foster-father of the Christ,
Honor to you so chosen by our God!
Husband of Virgin Mary, you are first
To show us Christian love.