
Monday, May 22, 2023

Memorial of Saints (May 22)

Blessed Maria Domenica got married, but she experienced the tragic loss of her husband and son Lorenzo. As a widow, she consecrated herself to works of charity for the poor and the sick. Soon, with six others, she founded the Pious Union of Charity. In 1829 A.D., she also founded a congregation which was to be popularly known as the Camillian Sisters - all dedicated to assist the sick and the poor (died ca. 1868 A.D.).

St. Rita of Cascia lived through four states of life in her lifetime: as a virgin, a married woman and mother, a widow, and an Augustinian nun. She is the patron saint of desperate causes, like St. Jude Thaddaeus. After an unhappy marriage and the death of her husband and two sons, she entered the Augustinian convent in ca. 1407 A.D. at Cascia, Italy. It is popularly known that a wound appeared on her forehead because she meditated intensely on the Passion of Christ. Given the miserable marriage she endured, she became a role model and inspiration for others in desperate marital situations (died ca. 1457 A.D.).

St. Joachima of Vedruna was also known as Joaquina de Mas de Vedruna. She founded a religious community in Spain after her husband died and she finished all her obligations in raising up her children. The religious community follows the Carmelite spirituality and came to be known as the Carmelites of Charity (died ca. 1854 A.D.).

Sts. Aemilius and Castus were African Christians. When they werearrested during the persecution of Christians under the reign of Emperor Decius, they were ordered to be tortured. Under torture, the two recanted. But after they recanted, they retracted from their recantation. So they were both burned to death as martyrs for Christ (died ca. 250 A.D.).

St. Quiteria was the daughter of a Galician prince. When her father wanted her to get married and give up her Christian faith, she fled to escape this situation. St. Quiteria's father had her tracked down through his followers. When they found her in Aire, Gascony, she was beheaded on orders from her own father (died 5th century).

St. Romanus was a monk at Monte Subiaco monastery. He was the one who brought food to St. Benedict while the latter lived as a hermit for three years in a cave. When the Vandals invaded Italy, St. Romanus went to France. It was in France where he founded the Abbey of Fontrouge near Auxerre. He spent the last years of his life in this Abbey (died ca. 550 A.D.).

St. Julia is the patron saint of Corsica. According to Catholic tradition, she was a North African of noble heritage, but was sold as a slave to a Syrian merchant. It was a period in history when Carthage was invaded in 439 A.D. On the voyage by ship to Corsica, she did not want to debark when the ship came to shore, because her master wanted her to participate in a pagan ritual ceremony. Learning then of her Christian faith, she was tortured and then crucified (died 5th century).

St. Aigulf became a hermit at Bourges, France, after the death of his parents. Because of his reputation for sanctity, he was chosen to become bishop of Bourges in 811 A.D. He attended the Council of Toulouse in 829 A.D. When three bishops joined in a revolt of Louis the Debonaire's sons against their father, St. Aigulf was chosen to decide the fate of these three bishops (died ca. 1130 A.D.).

St. Humility is really named Rosana and was married to an Italian nobleman. Her husband got sick and almost died. After this incident in their life, both she and her husband decided to enter the double monastery near Faenza. It was here that Rosana took the religious name Humility. St. Humility lived as a recluse for twelve years before the abbot general of the Vallombrosans suggested that she found an abbey. Humility obeyed and the first Vallambrosan convent for nuns was founded near Faenza. A second house was founded at Florence, Italy. This was where she spent her last years (died ca. 1310 A.D.).

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Ascension Sunday (A)

(Edited) Sunday reflections: (From) Years 2014 (A), 2015 (B), and 2016 (C)

June 1, 2014
Liturgical readings
Acts 1:1-11
Psalm 47
Ephesians 1:17-23
Matthew 28:16-20

Know that the Lord is with us always, until the end of the world.

At the very end of Matthew's gospel, God in His word consoles all the faithful: "Know that I am with you always until the end of the world". These are words of encouragement not only for the apostles, but for all the members of Christ's Body, the Church. The Lord promises His presence to all the baptized, that His responsibility of building the kingdom may be continued and extended. God has given, is giving, and will give all that is needed for each baptized individual to fulfill his respective responsibility in life. Most of all, He has encouraged each one now to make known the gospel message - in word and by deed.

The Catechism (cf #669) establishes the basic truth that Christ is the head of the Church, and we are members of His Body. We are members of His Body who will continue to accomplish the mission He began in His earthly life. It is by virtue of our baptismal consecration that we are called to share in the Church's mission to extend God's Kingdom to those who are in most need of it. God's kingdom is a kingdom of peace, of joy, of charity, and of bringing all men and women to the fullness of life with Christ.

As many seasoned Catholics know, to extend this Kingdom of God takes much of life. To extend God's Kingdom is to live the gospel values first, before that life can be a credible witness to the life-giving power of God. The Scripture (in the Acts of the Apostles) describes the difficulties of Jesus' followers in building God's kingdom. But they were not alone in this; and so are we now. The Lord is with us always, until the end of the world. We can live evangelically anywhere we reside, or go - even in the heart of the city. Each one can witness to life of Christ by being a positive influence to others. God continues to believe in us. And so should we, that others too may believe in Him.

Scripture quotes for reflection:
God mounts his throne amidst shouts of joy; the Lord amid trumpet blasts (Psalm 47)

Monday, May 15, 2023

Memorial of Saints (May 15)

St. Isidore was employed as a laborer in a farm outside of Madrid, Spain. He married, and had a son who died at an early age. After the death of his son, he and his wife decided to practice the virtue of chastity and continence. Isidore continued to work in the fields, but spent the mornings in prayer at church - causing him to be late at work. When the master of the land in which he worked, tried to find out why he was late, the master saw from a distance saw St. Isidore arriving late but with angels by his side. Many more miracles were attributed to St. Isidore the Farmer (died ca. 1130 A.D.).

St. Torquatus was one of the seven missionaries sent out by Sts. Peter and Paul to evangelize Spain. His six companions were: Caecilius, Ctesiphon, Euphrasius, Hesychius, Indaletius, and Secundius. Each of these seven evangelized each a region in Spain, with Torquatus having great success at Guadix, Granada. All seven died as martyrs in the 1st century.

St. Isidore of Chios was an officer in the army of Emperor Decius, and was with the fleet that went to Chios, in Greece. The commander of the fleet, Numerius, learned of Isidore's Christian faith. Isidore was arrested, tortured and then beheaded when he refused to renounce his faith. His body was thrown into a well at Chios - a well which became famous for its miracles of healing (died ca. 251 A.D.).

St. Hilary of Galatea was attracted to religious life at the young age of 12. Years past and he decided to leave home to build a hermitage. This hermitage grew to become the Galatea Monastery. He became its abbot. When the Goths invaded their land, Hilary convinced Theodoric (leader of the Goths) not to destroy his monastery. Hilary also convinced Theodoric to grant him additional land for his mission (died ca. 558 A.D.).

St. Dympna fled home upon the death of her mother, and went to Antwerp together with her confessor St. Gerebernus. With two other companions, they built an oratory at Gheel, near Amsterdam, where they lived as hermits. Since Dympna's father was a pagan Celtic chieftain, he had his daughter tracked down. When her father found them, he had her companions killed and Dympna was beheaded by her own father. During the 13th century, discovery of their tombs led to reports of healing miracles - most of which were the healing of epileptics and those mentally ill (died ca. 650 A.D.).

St. Bertha owned extensive properties along the Rhine. After her husband was killed in battle, she devoted to raising her son Rupert as a Christian. With her wealth and political influence, she founded several hospices for the poor. St. Bertha then gave their possessions to the poor and together with her son Rupert, became hermits near Bingen, Germany. St. Rupert died at 20 years of age, while St. Bertha spent the remaining years of her life there (died ca. 840 A.D.).

St. Hallvard was a Norwegian trader in the Baltic islands. A woman, who was accused of theft, sought sanctuary in Hallvard's ship. Hallvard tried to defend the woman, but he was killed together with the woman, with arrows from her accusers. The accusers attached a stone to his body and threw it into the sea. Miraculously, St. Hallvard's body floated to the surface. This story became widespread, and Hallvard had since then been revered as a martyr and a patron saint of Oslo, Norway (died ca. 1043 A.D.).

St. Isaias of Rostov became a monk at the Monastery of the Caves near Kiev, Ukraine. In 1062 A.D., he was named abbot of St. Demetrius in Kiev. In 1077 A.D., he became bishop of Rostov. He then started the extensive work of converting the pagans of his diocese. St. Isaias is well known for his preaching ability and for working miracles (died ca. 1090 A.D.).

St. Peter of Lampsacus was arrested during Emperor Decius' persecution of the Christians. When he was ordered to sacrifice to the pagan goddess Venus, St. Peter refused. For this refusal, he was tortured and beheaded at Troas, Cyzigus. Also arrested with Peter were Andrew, Niomachus and Paul. Sts. Andrew and Paul were tortured and then stoned to death. Niomachus on the other hand apostasized under torture. 16 year old St. Dionysia saw how Niomachus apostasized and denounced him. The authorities got hold of this 16 year old girl and had her beheaded also (died ca. 251 A.D.).