4th Sunday of Lent, Year B
First reading: 2 Chronicles 36:14-17, 19-23
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 137
Second reading: Ephesians 2:4-10
Gospel reading: John 3:14-21
"God so loved the world that He gave His only Son..."
The gospel account for the 4th Sunday of Lent this coming March
22, is from the evangelist John. It presents Jesus teaching
Nicodemus about the love the Father has for the world by giving
His only Son...and that whoever believes in the Son will not die,
but have eternal life. Jesus taught that the Son of Man was
sent by God into the world so that people and all of creation
will be saved through Him.
Jesus teaching Nicodemus (a Jewish leader and a one of the
Pharisees) gives us an opportunity to also learn about God's
great love for us - a love expressed in His desire to save all
creation through His Son Jesus. And it also gives us an
opportunity to know who Jesus is. The images the gospel account
presents Jesus to us as: the crucified Savior ("the Son of Man
lifted up"); the Way to eternal life ("all who believe may have
eternal life in Him"); the Light that came into the world, and
the Truth who will set us free ("he who acts in truth comes into
the light...to make clear that his deeds are done in God")
It is truly difficult to fathom the depths of God's love for us.
That is why He sent His Son Jesus to help us know the Way and the
Truth of this Love. As long as we live in God's Love, we are on
the narrow road to salvation - a road which "denies one's self,
takes up one's cross, and follows Christ". Once we however get
sidetracked or backslide from the Way, we risk being lost and
being condemned by our own choosing. Let us therefore take all
opportunities to "come back to the Lord with all our heart", and
then hold fast to Jesus - always acting in truth, that we may be
immersed in His Light and feel assured that our deeds "are done
in God".